$39 for Five Body-Sculpting Classes at Pop Physique (Up to $95 Off

$39 for Five Body-Sculpting Classes at Pop Physique (Up to $95 Off)

The Deal

  • $39 for five body-sculpting classes ($95 value)
Each 60-minute class burns excess calories and builds muscle tone with high-intensity workouts that blend stretching exercises and light weights with barre-dancing exercises and Pilates moves. The classes of 20 students or less are set to the trendy sounds of electro, indie rock, and hip-hop. To see a schedule of classes, go to Pop Physique’s website and choose your location.

Limit 1 per person. Valid only for option purchased. Reservation required. Must sign waiver. New clients only. Valid only for purchased location. Must be used by the same person. Must use all classes at the same location.
